Waltzing through it

I don´t really get the meaning of the words “move on”. If life is supposed to be that cycle when you often goes through the same places, people, situations again and again to feel like you´re really going somewhere, then why should we move on something (or more important somebody?)

Should we really believe on the cycle or someday we´ll figure out that we´ve been walking in another geometrical shape and didn´t even notice? And will it be right then when we´re going to realize that we knew the love of our life and didn´t know how to keep it and thing on the many many thing that we lost on our way and that we´ll never be able to get them.  If is out of our sights it means that it has never been ours?

So what is?

What to do when future seems so… blank and… empty?

~ por M. em julho 21, 2009.

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