Breve romance bipolar

We only influenced each other totally
We only bruised each other even more so

What are you my blood? You touch me like you are my blood


What are you my god? You touch me like you are my god
What are you my twin? You affect me like you are my twin


How long can a girl be tortured by you?
How long before my dignity is reclaimed
And how long can a girl be haunted by you
Soon I’ll grow up and I won’t even flinch at your name
Soon I’ll grow up and I won’t even flinch at your name


What are you my kin? You touch me like you are my kin
What are you my air? You affect me like you are my air”

Flinch – Alanis Morissette

Bipolares, sagitarianos, com dois dias de diferença de nascimento entre dez anos (1975 e 1985). Apaixonaram-se, namoraram e desmancharam em três dias. Fora tesão à primeira vista.

~ por M. em maio 14, 2009.

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