
We reached to the last row and looked around. Only straight old people. Dammit! We hesitate. Is this really our seats? We´re the ones that choose? Why? Why? WHY?

Ok, come on, we can do that, pretend for only two hours that we actually came here to stay that long staring the giant screen. So we behave like ladys the whole time. Never touched each other. Almost never looked at each other. We knew what we were trying to avoid. But then we got cold? What could we do? Stupid old people. Why does anyone have to go to the movies when two little girls go out on their first date?

So, they never touched. And there it was, this young girl walking home, thinking she may need a cigarette, remembering the night when she have  meet the blond girl. They have kissed and they were severelly drunk. And she pulled her to the wall and grabbed her by the waist (that´s how she gets all the girls).

She though that maybe, there never would have a movie so perfect to a first date like “Juno”, and maybe, to get that kind of connection maybe would be to hard. Impossible? She just didn´t knew. And everyone keeps telling her to try out and to see what else is out there. ” There are other fishes in the sea, you know?” ” Yes, but I want a jelly fish.” “In other words, you want the pain.” “No, I just want something that gets attatched to my body, in a way that I can´t get off. Wether I feel pain or not. But I can see why you may think that way.”

She always though that for two people get together, for some time, they just have to click immediatly and the boddies had to fit perfectly , without anyone had to move an inch for this to happen.  And what happens when it´s not spontaneous? You can facture the feeling? That warm fuzzy and stumbling feeling? ” And there is nothing of this with you guys?” “I don´t know.” “Well, do you want to know?”  “Not sure”

But, anyway… it´s harmless, finally.

~ por M. em fevereiro 27, 2009.

2 Respostas to “Beginnings”

  1. escreva em portugues.. ja tenho preguiça de ler em portugues quissá ingles! uahuahauhauha

  2. Eu não consigo encarar essa palavra “harmless”. Talvez em um início ela exista, nos “begginings” da vida ela até acene. Não sei se é parte do meu desespero, mas eu acabo achando que tudo sempre tende ao “harmfull”. Mas, meodeus, vou deixar o baixo-astral de lado, haha. Eu adorei o texto. Me fez lembrar coisas que eu tinha deletado da cabeça, acho que por isso meu comentário vai ter que ser tão bocó quanto este – perdoa.
    Good luck! 😉


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